Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Training New HBB Trainers - Quang Tri March 25, 2015

Today we trained 8 new HBB Trainers.  We had 2 physicians and 6 midwives and nurses.  They had all been in the class yesterday so had already passes the basic skills.  After we did introductions and explained how the day would work, they proceeded to teach the course.  Each trainer student was assigned a small part of the course to teach and then we went through the entire course again.  They were amazing and incredibly thorough!

Foggy and rainy today.  But still beautiful.

It rained on and off all day.  Cooler but not cold - at least not by Chicago standards.  The students are wearing long sleeves and seem cold but, for us, it is not snow!  The sun comes out between rain showers.  Also, unlike Chicago rain, it is not windy when it is raining.  The rain comes straight down.

The student trainers love doing the role-play demonstrations and really get into it. We have lots of moaning during delivery and then they love to 'cry' when the baby finally starts breathing and crying.

We have flip charts in English and Vietnamese. 

And, of course, we have wonderful break food and beautiful scenery!  And a local puppy and mom.  They seem to live at the clinic and the mother does not look very old at all.  Nancy and Amy fed left overs to the puppy.  So cute.

Each trainer student presented a portion of the class, working through the flip chart.  They were really amazing with the detail in their explanations and their ability to demonstrate.  We explained that, today,  when they were a 'student' (not the trainer) they had to pretend that they did not know the material - and that they should ask questions.  And ask they did!  They asked challenging questions and our new trainers really had to think. 

Tam is our coordinator, director, interpreter, tour guide - you name it - he is taking care of us.  Tam works for Global Community Services Foundation and has made all of the arrangements for our teaching here.  He figures out where we will eat, orders the food, coordinates with the local officials.  We could not do this without him and he is amazing!  Thank you Tam!

The resuscitation bags can be taken apart, washed with soap and water, and boiled.  Then they can be reused over and over.  Warren teaches them how to do this and we had them all take apart a bag.

Each new HBB Trainer received a full teaching kit (Neonatalie, penguin suction, bag and masks, carrying case, flip chart) and 6 student kits (bag and masks, penguin bulb syringe).  We explained the cost (over $100 for the instructor kit and $30 for each trainer kit) and the importance of caring for them - but also training other birth attendants and giving them the kits.  The Medical Director of the clinic has been present all three days - in and out of class - and he has spoken to each group.  Today he told the new trainers that he wants them to report to him when they train people.  Hopefully GCSF can get this information.  As the new trainers teach, and need more equipment, GCSF will work to continue to provide the supplies.  Here they are receiving their supplies - in more tote bags.

Above is Mr. Tam, the Medical Director, and Ms. Tam.

Our 8 new HBB Trainers - the first for this area in Central Vietnam.

Our team of trainers and interpreters.  A great group!
After class, we were invited to lunch, compliments of the Medical Director.  He told us that it is tradition to treat your guests.  We went to a lovely restaurant, not far from the clinic, and had a delicious meal, complete with local wine.

The view from the restaurant.


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