Friday, March 27, 2015

HBB Day 5 Houng Hoa Medical Center March 27, 2015

Today's class was totally different from yesterday.  Today we had all midwives, nurses and physicians - including a couple of physicians from a medical school - physicians who teach.  They came as far away as 60 Km - and some are coming back tomorrow for the Trainer course.  And this class consists of 23 women and one man - one of the medical school physicians. 

Our challenges today were helping the students understand that we are teaching current practice  As happens in the US, we instructors sometimes have to encourage students to change behaviors that are not current.  That was the case here.   In addition, we had to help our students understand that this course is intended for the birth attendant that is NOT in a hospital but in a rural clinic or at home.  Some of our physicians wanted to do a full neonatal resuscitation - something that will not work in a home. 

Here we are seen talking to Ray Wilkinson - a photojournalist who has written for GCSF before.  He will be writing an article on our project.  Hopefully this can be used to help GCSF raise money to continue to support HBB in Vietnam.

Our students today were great actors!  The really got into the having the baby thing with facial expressions and moaning.  Hysterical.  So wonderful to have fun while learning!  The favorite part is still the timing of the Golden Minute Action Plan where the student has to deliver the baby and go through the initial steps and get the baby ventilated within one minute of birth.  Students practice over and over trying to get the best 'score'. 

Our 24 new students trained in HBB!

We have had two very different days.  Both interesting and challenging in their own ways.  Although some of the people today were familiar with Neonatal Resuscitation, this course was entirely new to them. 
Mr. Tam, Ms. Tam, Dat, Phuong and Thao have been very patient with us and have been so much help.  And, they have all learned the concepts of HBB.  They can use a bag and mask like a pro!


1 comment:

  1. I hope the people acting were not too realistic or Amy will never want to have babies!!!
