Tuesday, March 24, 2015

HBB Day 2 - Quang Tri March 24, 2015

Today was our second day teaching at Quant Tri and we had 24 new students.  In addition to Traditional Birth Attendants, we also had physicians and nurses.  Tomorrow, 8 of the physicians and nurses will return to class to learn how to teach HBB.

Students watching a scenario acted out by instructors.

This student is a wonderful actress - we decided that she definitely should receive an award!

Some of out HBB equipment.
The health center where we are teaching.
A view of the hospital behind the health center.
The farm behind the health center.
An exam room at the health center.
The dogs at the center.

Our students really enjoy learning and are particularly intrigued with the bag and mask.  Since this is new to many of them, we spend extra time practicing.

Our interpreters:  Ms. Tam, Mr. Dat, Ms. Thao, Ms. Dieu Phuong.  We could not work without them.  They have been amazing and have worked so hard.


Our small groups - working together all day.

Warren showing the students how to take apart the bags so that they can be cleaned and sterilized.

Receiving their HBB completion certificates.

Resting after a hard day of work!

Our day 2 group of proud HBB course participants.

Draining the babies (of water) so we can send them home with our new instructors tomorrow.
We are happy with our time here.  We have met lovely people who really want to take better care of babies.  We are having fun teaching and learning along with our students.


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