Sunday, March 22, 2015

Da Nang & Khe Sanh

Today, Sunday, March 22, was a very full day.  We met for breakfast in the hotel and had a traditional Vietnamese breakfast - including Pho.  Very good!

Great food including sticky rice and a Vietnamese pancake.

Then we walked around Da Nang a little, taking in the sights and doing a little shopping at the market.  Love the markets here!  We also walked along the Han River and saw all the sculptures.


Around noon, we left for Khe Sanh, with a brief stop at the ocean and the beach,  Beautiful  We wanted to stay all day!


The drive to Khe Sanh took about 5 hours.  Much of the road was under construction or was winding around up and down mountains.  Beautiful scenery!  We stopped for lunch in Hue and had more Pho - really good - better than breakfast.


We arrived in Khe Sanh about 1730.  And found all of our equipment waiting for us.  We ordered $10,000 worth of equipment in December of 2014.  It was sent from China to Vietnam - and there it was.  What a relief!


We are at the Khanh Phuong Hotel ant so happy to have everything here.  We went for dinner at the Huy Hoang Restaurant - where we actually ate when we were here before.  We met our interpreters for the week and had a lovely dinner.


So we have everything loaded for tomorrow.  We teach in Quang Tri at the Dakrong Medical Center.  We are scheduled to have 24 Traditional Birth Attendants in the class.  Very excited!


Tomorrow I hope to show pictures of us actually doing the training.  In March of 2014, I had my first conversation with Marcia from GCSF and we began planning this trip.  Hard to believe that now, a year later, we get to teach HBB.



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