Sunday, March 29, 2015

HBB Clsss 7 Hue Kim Long Clinic March 29, 2015

Today's class had 13 people, including two of the physician sisters who run the clinic.   Kim Long Charity Clinic is a private charity clinic located at 36 Kim Long Street, in Hue City. Kim Long was founded in 1992 by the Sisters of The Daughters of Mary Immaculate in Hue-Vietnam. Kim Long Charity Clinic is a private charity clinic located at 36 Kim Long Street, in Hue City. Kim Long was founded in 1992 by the Sisters of The Daughters of Mary Immaculate in Hue-Vietnam. They offer health services, HIV/Aids treatment and counseling, and scholarships for poor students to attend school.  Two Sisters Consolata Bui Thi Bong, M.D. and Benedictine Nguyen Thi Dien, M.D. were assigned to oversee the entire operation, including cooperation with other physicians, nurses, staff, and volunteers. They willingly devote their time in serving the poor. Currently, the clinic is funded by private foundations, friends, and benefactors to provide free health care services and different charitable works for the poor, as well as an HIV program in Hue and surrounding areas.

Our class consisted of medical students, midwives, and physicians.  A wide range of skills but all eager to learn. The sisters speak English well and several the students speak English and were anxious to practice talking with us.

The clinic is beautiful, right in the town of Hue, on the river.



Here we are with our 13 new HBB providers  All very excited to go out and practice their new knowledge.  From our conversations with our students, it has become quite clear that women in rural villages do have their babies at home and that the people delivering those babies want and need education.  we are glad we are here.


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