Monday, March 30, 2015

HBB 8 Kim Long Clinic Training of Trainers

Today was our last day of training.  We had 4 people - nurses and physicians.  It was an easy day for all of us since we had a lot of staff and a small class.

The instructor class is really about the students learning how to teach.  HBB uses a flip chart that has simple pictures and words on one side, for the student, and detailed information for the instructor on the other side.  Our job, as Master Trainers, is to help the new instructors learn how to teach HBB and use the materials.  We ask the students to pretend that they don't understand things, to ask questions, to do things wrong so that the 'instructor' has to correct them.  That way our new instructors have the opportunity to practice thinking on their feet, answering questions, etc.


The students in an HBB class, whether provider or trainer class, practice the same thing over and over and over.  This way it gets ingrained into their mind and they will, hopefully remember what to do when they deliver a baby.

We now have 4 more HBB trainers in Vietnam.  Supported by the sisters at Kim Long Clinic, we know they will do an amazing job!

This last class also meant saying good bye to our GCSF staff.  They have been wonderful and we will miss them!