Monday, March 23, 2015

HBB Training Day 1 Monday March 23, 2015

Today we did our first training.  24 Traditional Birth Attendants were present.  Although a few were familiar with bag and mask ventilation, most were not at all familiar with the technique.  It was a great day of training at the Quang Tri Medical Center Clinic.  GCSF has done an amazing job putting this trip together and we are so grateful.
We were awakened by music coming from the school across the street.  It apparently calls the children to study and to school.

The view from our hotel room.

The school across the street.
My breakfast omelet
My very hot  breakfast omelet.
Students with the manikin.
On the right is Dat - my interpreter.
The feral puppy licking the water off of the manikin after it was filled.
Nancy, Amy, Harriet, Tam.
The location of the class for the next 3 days.

 The next pictures will be of our students practicing with the manikins.

 Break time!

Presentation of certificates and then a group picture. 

On the way home we stopped at the big bridge.  Such beautiful country.  Very mountainous and rough terrain.  I can't imagine fighting a war here.  We stopped for pictures on the way home.

We are all very tired after a fulfilling but tiring day.  We are packed and ready to go in the morning for Day 2.

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