Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Getting our bags ready

We are starting to get really excited!  We have Helping Babies Breathe flip charts, provider books, reusable bags to give our students for their supplies (compliments of the Illinois ENA 2014 Spring Symposium), notebooks for our new instructors (again, from Illinois ENA), certificates and HBB flow charts.  All the rest of our supplies were shipped directly to Vietnam.  And have arrived! You can see from the pictures a little of what our equipment looks like.  Each Traditional Birth Attendant (TBA) gets the bag, masks and penguin suction.  The trainers get the Neonatalie manikin and supplies as well as 6 sets of TBA equipment.  That way they can each go out and train 6 more TBA's.  GCSF will help with the sustainability of the program after we leave.

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